Program distribution: Artists’ Residencies
The Artists’ Residencies are situated in the northern plot, in order to enhance a second core in the Lempa village, blending creativity and exhibitions. Our design frames the views to the landscape through the intermediate space, while the artists workshops function both as studios and exhibition spaces.
The specificity of the site lies in the light slopes: a linear walk between existing shells and new construction is developed following this altimetry. Each laboratory is accompanied by an open, intermediate space of exchange and contemplation. There, the view to the landscape, and often to the sea, is framed, and so is highlighted the importance of the cultural landscape of the village and the area. Scattered among the laboratories, we find the artists’ residencies in two levels. The larger rooms are located in new buildings, while the smaller ones are located in the existing shells. Each residence unit has a close relation to a studio space. The promenade within the Residency gains in complexity, as the exhibition spaces interchange with the intermetdiate courtyards and differents points of perspective are unveiled.